Monday, July 23, 2007


I have gotten past Rugged Leather thank god, now I can seriously make some gold back, I've been farming Clefthoof, because they dropped Rugged which I need to increase my Leatherworking and also drop Thick Clefthoof Leather, which is virtually a gold mine...

I can sell 3 Thick Clefthoof Leather for 4g a pop, and they sell quick, its very cool :D Also the mobs drop Clefthoof Meat, which can be turned into +str good, which I believe rogues, and warrior buy for PVP and Raiding, so they are selling for 4g a stack of 20, and also selling quick so its not to bad at the moment....

I did some research when leveling my Leatherworknig past 300, and found that I can farm Yeti in Winterspring very easily, they have a quick respawn and there is lots of them, so that's how I managed to farm Rugged so quickly, its funny pulling 15 mobs to you and nuking them down or dropping your fire elemental....

My damage and crit are fairly awesome now, I barely get hurt so I'm not having to stop very often to drink or eat, this is what tends to happen when I pull a mob in my combat log haha..

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