Thursday, November 15, 2007

God's of Zul'Aman

So 2.3 is out finally, 2.4 isn't far behind according to blizzard, so I'm looking forward to Sunwell Platuea, even tho I won't get a chance to get in there, but never mind.

Right so the state of the shaman is as follows, we bitch moaned and whigned enough, to get 2000 accounts banned for a few days, and over 5000 threads deleted from the forums resulting in 2 changes, for the better.....

No more DR on Earth Shock, and they are giving Elemental Shamans a 6% spell coefficent for free, for 1200 spell dmg, now I assume that spell coefficent raisees and lowers for every hundred odd spell damage above and below 1200....

Because they say that below 1200 spell dmg has been buffed very slightly, and anything above it recives a minor nerf, according to the forums, 1500 spell damage is roughly 0.5% damage reduction....

Which is fine considering we got no DR on Frost Shock, Earth Shock, and shitloads more MP5, and more chance of Overload Proccing :D

So overall I'm pretty happy, I did however here, that you can not use Elemental Mastery any more and get 3 critical hits from you Chain Lighting.....Not sure exactly what caused that, probably a full 5 elemental 5v5 team lol....

Anyway I have renabled my account, to have a crack at 2.3, and also because I've actually had some spare time on my hands lately....I got so busy last month, I always get busy in summer, places to go, people to meet.

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