Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Simple Maths to Show Example

Lets try not to confuse the sitution with the maths for this, and keep it simple....

We need to add the spell coeffecent in, so we have 3/3.5 = 85% & we have 2.5/3.5 = 71% for the new version....

We'll use 100 as the avg spell dmg a lighting bolt hits for...

We'll cast 300 lighting bolts, thats a 10minute fight...

Well give ourselfs 500/1000/1500 spell dmg, so 3 calculations...

We'll do overload at 5% proccing on itself over 300, and also 20% procing on itself over 300, and see what the total dmg outputs are, for the 2 difference version...

And we'll have 40% crit to keep it simple...

Ok, so we go to get our coeffiecent
500*85%+100 = 525
500*71%+100 = 455
1000*85%+100 = 950
1000*71%+100 = 810
1500*85%+100 = 1375
1500*71%+100 = 1165

Now we cast 300 spells with 40% critting, and 20% overloading and 5% overloading, so lets work out exactly what we need to times by what...
300*40% = 120

So we have as far as crits & hits go...
120 Crits
180 Normal Hits

Now with this we can see how many LO's will crit and hit...
Version 2.2
120*5% = 6 Overload Crits
180*5% = 9 Overload Normal Hits
6*5% = 0 LOLO Crits
9*5% = 0 LOLO Normals

Version 2.3
120*20% = 24 LO Crits
180*20% = 36 LO Normals
24*20% = 4 LOLO Crits
36*20% = 7 LOLO Normals

Ok so we worked out so far...
Version 2.2
We have fired 300 shots....
120 Have crit..
180 Hit normally..
14 Overloads have proc'd..
6 LO Crits..
9 LO Normals..
0 LOLO's..

Version 2.3
We have fired 300 shots....
120 Have crit..
180 Hit normally..
71 Overloads have proc'd..
24 LO Crits..
36 LO Normals..
11 LOLO's..
4 LOLO Crits..
7 LOLO Normals..

So to calculate the damage now we can..
Version 2.2
500*85%+100 = ((525*120)*2) + (525*180) + ((525*6)*2) + (525*9) = 231525 Damage
1000*85%+100 = ((950*120)*2) + (950*180) + ((950*6)*2) + (950*9) = 418950 Damage
1500*85%+100 = ((1375*120)*2) + (1375*180) + ((1375*6)*2) + (1375*9) = 606375 Damage

Version 2.3
500*71%+100 = ((455*120)*2) + (455*180) + (((455*24)*2)/2) + ((455*36)/2) + ((((455*4)*2)/2)/2) + (((455*7)/2)/2) = 211916
1000*71%+100 = ((810*120)*2) + (810*180) + (((810*24)*2)/2) + ((810*36)/2) + ((((810*4)*2)/2)/2) + (((810*7)/2)/2) = 377258
1500*71%+100 = ((1165*120)*2) + (1165*180) + (((1165*24)*2)/2) + ((1165*36)/2) + ((((1165*4)*2)/2)/2) + (((1165*7)/2)/2) = 542599

So at 500 damage, the difference beetween 2.2 & 2.3 is...
231525 / 211916 = 9.25% Lower

So at 1000 damage, the difference beetween 2.2 & 2.3 is...
418950 / 377258 = 11.05% Lower

So at 1500 damage, the difference beetween 2.2 & 2.3 is...
606375 / 542599 = 11.75% Lower

Every time I do this, it seems to get more and more ovious that this is not good, for our DPS in general....I don't think people are also not realising, that this will essentially suck for resto as well...even though they can cast quicker lighting bolts...the damage decrease for them is huge, meaning instead of casting 3 lighting bolts at 3 seconds...they are going to need to cast 5 lightning bolts at 2.5 seconds...

Instead of taking 9 seconds to kill...it now takes 12.5...

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