Shaman lvl 80 Talent
This is my own build, this is not what Blizzard have decided, I was just experimenting and though tthat this would make most shamans happy in all 3 classes.
This is my own build, this is not what Blizzard have decided, I was just experimenting and though tthat this would make most shamans happy in all 3 classes.
Posted by
11:45 AM
Noone has seen any ideas of what the new level 80 talent builds are going to be like, but there has been alot of speculation going around the shaman forums.... I play as elemental so I devised up a few myself which I think is pretty cool, and from what I've been reading about enhancement and resto I have thought of a few which might be cool as well.... So here goes...
T1 Elemental:
Is fine, 10% of spell cost / 5% extra damage is great, keep that just the way it is.
T2 Elemental:
I think the only thing that could be changed for WotLK is, the 15% fire damage to your fire totems, should become 15% to your fire bonus dmg, so someone with 860 +dmg woudl recvie 960 fire dmg, which would stack with your fire elementa, your totems and Flame Tounge.
T3 Elemental:
I think this is fine...
T4 Elemental:
I think this is fine...
T5 Elemental:
Now because of the new talents I hava added, I took 2 points away from some old talents, Unrelenting Storm was 2% of your total intellect goes to mp5, per point. I would like to see this more as 3 point in Unrelenting Storm gives you 10% of your total intellect to mp5...
T6 Elemental:
I think this is fine...
T7 Elemental:
I think this is fine...
T8 Elemental:
This is were Lightning Overload sits, and I think its a great talent, it doesn't proc very often howevere so sitting here next to it to the right side, would be a 3 point talent called Improved Overload, which adds 1% extra to Overload per talent point, which could potentially mean there is a 8% chance...
T9 Elemental:
This has the 3% crit totem, which is great for raids, so thats fine, sitting along side it to the right underneath Improved Overload, would be a 1 point talent called Forked Lighting....this would do 550-650 dmg at around the cost of a shock, instant cast and could hit upto 4 people, kinda of like a mages Dragon Breath, it would have a 20 second cooldown...
T10 Elemental:
Here I have added 7 talent points, 5 in a new talent called Elemental Control, which takes 3 minutes of the 20minute cooldown per point on your elementals, 5 points in that would make your elementals on a 5 minute timer. 1 Talent point to the left of it is called Burning Ground, which would slow all enemys within a 15 yard radius of your fire elemental by 60%. And 1 talent to the right of Elemental Control is a talent that is called Earthen Storm, which gives your Earth Elemental an abaility, which is kind of like a dust storm, the storm in theory would be picking up rocks and throwing it at enemys within 15 yards of the earth elemental, so 25% chance to stun all enemys within 15 yards for 3 seconds...
T11 Elemental:
1 Talent point here called Molten Boulder, 4 second cast time, does 950-1050 damage, explodes on impact stunning enemys within 10 yards of impact for 4 seconds.
The tree would look like this....
For enhancement and things I was thinking, they should revise somne of the older talents which are to rarely used, maybe make toughness 10% reduction in spell damage done to them instead of 10% increase to amour.
I think restoratio is pretty good already, and they should proably make it just even stornger in WotLK, making a class full spec'd resto hard to kill is fair in my mind, its upto the other people around them to save him or her and things...
Posted by
11:43 AM
I have managed to get 2 things off my wishlist in recent days, the T4 Pants dropped from Gruul and I rolled a 92 and won them, and I have saved up and bought Darkmoon Card: Crusade, which is essentially a +80 dmg trinket....So not worried about Quags Eye any more...
So Thursday / Friday, useall attempts to get Mindblade, Ring of Recurrence, Adornment of Stolen Souls, T4 Shoulders, they are the last 4 things on my wishlist that are drops from bosses....I have 56 Nether Dragonscales, and have reach 375 LW, so I don't have long to go before I managed to craft myself the set I want, I reckon another month maybe and I'll be full wishlist....
Should make raiding alot less expensive and alot more fun, the guilds kinda slowed down in progress at the moment. I haven't been raiding much though thats because I have been busy on the weekends and at the moment its better for me to spend gold improving my toon, by buying mats to craft my gear then it is spending in on potions and raiding essentials.....after I'm geared properly I'll get back into the swing of it, and start saving for my epic mount...
Should rip along nicely though with +950 dmg consistently and over +1k dmg buffed for raids...
Posted by
9:17 AM
The Mindblade dropped yesterday, I was outrolled!! OMG sucks, now it won't drop for ever again, never mind, maybe next time!
I've been working on my Leatherworking, and have decided its less important this this stage to make money selling the items, as it is to basically just craft them and get my skill up, so I've dropped the price right down, 65-70g for the sale of the hats, or actually I may have put them on for 60-65g, so hopefully they sell quickly, and I'll be farming shadows like mad, only have 62 to go, they drop fairly good in Hellfire.
So it might take a whole couple of night farming but once thats done I can move to the other patterns and get my gear mad, thats going to make a huge difference and help.....
Posted by
8:14 AM
I bought 205g worth of Primal Shadows, they are for sale on AH for 11g each, but they oviosuly aren't selling, I bargined down my Shadows to 5g each, ended up with 41, which was enough to make 5 hats, I sold 2 over about 4 hours of yelling in trade for 90g each, and put 3 on AH for 85-90g, so we'll see how we go, I have enoguh mats excluding the Primal Shadows to make 10 more hats, I can take my time selling them and creating them, cause I want the gold from them just as much as the leatherworking levels....
So I basically need 79 more Primal Shadows and I'm done, can move to the next type of item to get closer to that treturous 375 mark!
Posted by
8:19 AM
Could all be fake, but guess we'll find out tommorow, apparently the release of this will be showen at Blizzcon on the 3rd of August, I do think that the fact that saying forbidden instead of not found is a pretty good lead that effort to at least make a webpage has been done....
Pretty exciting anywayz!
Posted by
8:17 AM
Ok, so I've collected all 90 Heavy Knothide leather, 30 Cobra Scales, 80 Zherva Leather. The Zherva Leather was the worst part.... It took ages!! The drop rate sucks so bad....worst part about it is that you can't collect anything useful while farming them, with the snakes I was collecting Knothide and Cobra scales, and they were dropping greens that I could get disenchanted to make some decent money....
I was running round barrens using rank 4 Earth Shock, smashing them in 1 hit, but the drop rate was below 2%, I ended up screaming in general chat buying Zherva Leather for 1g each, had an army of player under 30 get my the last 25 bits of leather....
So last bit of my creation is to get 120 Primal Shadows, they are selling on my AH for 5-8g each. I'll buy any primal shadows under 5g, and use them to speed thing up a little, as I wanna get these items built and my Leatherworknig up so I can concentrate on farming the mats I need for the gear I want...
Stylin' Purple Hat
120 Primal Shadow
45 Rune Thread
Sell:1275 Gold @ 85g x 15
I've been watching the market closely, because I don't want to loose out on to much gold reselling the items, now the cobra scales fluctuate between 12g - 18g, I've got 12 for sale on AH for 15g bid at the moment 18g buyout, so I'll see how the sale of them goes, and keep an eye on them, I managed to sell 6 of them for 14g each...
30 scales @ the fluctuating prices are...
Scales = 540 @ 18g each
Scales = 450 @ 15g each
Scales = 360 @ 12g each
The Primal Shadows which I haven't farmed yet, are sitting for anywhere between 3g and 8g on AH, now most of them are sitting at 5g and heading up to 8g, and the ones at 3g are selling really fast, and no one will pay more then 8g for them.....
120 shadows @ the fluctuating prices are...
Shadows = 960 @ 8g each
Shadows = 600 @ 5g each
Shadows = 360 @ 3g each
Knothide is pretty standard price and hasn't changed for a long time, so I'll take the out of the equation, if I sell the hats I make at the highest prices going of the sale price of Shadows & Scales, considering they are most expensive mats, the prices look like this...
Estimate High Value 106g
Estimated Mid Value 76g
Estimated Low Value 54g
Considering what I've said, and the fact that most of the prices on AH have been seen at mid to high, I'm going to be aiming to sell each hat for 75-85g, also because of the fact that I farmed them and I will have lots for sale at the one time, this will mean if they all sell for 85g ill make a nifty 1275g for my farming efforts :D
Posted by
7:45 AM