So its been 3 months since I last posted about WoW, I had a month break and have been getting back into it for the last few months.....I'm actually raiding with the guild as an Elemental Shaman now, pretty rare lol....I got the 3% crit totem and stuff so I'm getting some spots for that, but not very often, and after discussing it with the officers I will be getting more spots, but spaced further apart....bit more planned out which is good for me because I have a little one at home and its hard to manage RL and WL lol...

So I've had a few raids with them and picked up quite a few epics...I've been busy getting enchants and farming mats etc....Got a few more things on the to do list, I need 12 more Heroic Badges so I can get my new Totem, which reduces the mana cost of Lighting Bolt by 25, which will help heaps in raids...
I need a new necklace and 2 new trinkets....which I've been working on doing....and I need to get the enchant from Aldor rep to my head, and the enchant to my shoulders from getting Revered with Shat'tari, atm I'm 20k of that so got a while to go with that one...but they'll come, and when I get those enchant I'll have +800 Nature dmg with current gear and +750 normal dmg, which is really getting up there...I had to respec, yesterday still elemental but put points into threat reduction, I had to keep slowing down or stopping my DPS because I didn't have that talent and basically as my +dmg has got higher I need it now....
So my current build is 44/0/17, I sacrificed 3% critical strike chance with healing / lighting spells for +6% hit chance and -10% threat....
Basically all my items now are epics, except, my weapon, my trinkets, and my necklace, and totem....I spent 33 badges on a really awesome shield, its the best shield I can get in the game for my build....
Getting key'd to Kaz was a total &*%^ but it's done now, I have to say BM was the hardest to pass.....and although I'm raid spec'd elemental I still can gank the ^*&* out of most people, luv it!